Representative Publications (* denotes student mentees)
Wang, Y., Zhang, Y.*, Kim, D.*, Jelsma, E.* (in press). Racism and resilience in daily life: A psychosocial, cultural, and neurobiological model of daily resilience among ethnically and racially minoritized young people. American Psychologist.
Wang, Y., Zhao, Z.*, Zhang, M.*, Zhang, Y.*, Yan, J. *, Jelsma, E.*, Cham, H., Alegría, M., Yip, T. (2025). Sleep as a protective factor: Multiple forms of discrimination and substance use intention among racially and ethnically minoritized U.S. youth. Journal of Adolescent Health. (read here)
Wang, Y., Zhang Y.*, Liu, J.*, Zhao, J.*, Chen, S., He, J. (2025). Peer discrimination and diurnal cortisol output in a boarding school in rural China: Empirical findings and methodological considerations. Developmental Psychology. (read here)
Jelsma, E.*, Wang, Y., Cham, H., Zhang, Y.*, Yan, J.*, Zhao, Z.*, Alegría, M., & Yip, T. (2025). Everyday ethnic discrimination and early substance use based on hair samples in high-risk racial/ethnic minority early adolescents. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Wang, Y., Zhao, Z.*, Zhang, Y.*, Yan, J. *, Zhang, M.*, Jelsma, E.*, Johnson, S.*, Cham, H., Alegría, M., Yip, T. (2024). Race, ethnicity, and sleep in U.S. children. JAMA Network Open. (read full text here) (MSU Today)
Wang, Y., Zhang, Y.*, Zhao, Z.*, Jelsma, E. *, Yan, J. *, Johnson, S.*, Cham, H., Alegría, M., Yip, T. (2024). Multiple discrimination and substance use intention in late childhood: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. Journal of Adolescent Health.
Zhang, Y.*, & Wang, Y. (2024). Daily social support and school belonging among rural Chinese adolescents: Variations by parental migration. Journal of Research on Adolescence.
Wang, Y., Huang, Q.*, Lin, S.*, Chen, M.*, & Zhang, Y.* (2024). Daily ethnic/racial support from family and peers: Changes from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic. Child Development.
Wang, Y., Chen, M.*, Zhang, Y.*, & Chen, Y. (2023). Daily associations between adolescents’ executive function and school engagement: The role of ethnic/racial discrimination. Developmental Psychology.
Wang, Y., Zhang, Y.*, & Wadsworth, H.* (2023). Family and peer ethnic/racial socialization in adolescents’ everyday life: A daily transactional model with ethnic/racial identity and discrimination. Child Development.
Wang, Y., & Lin, S.* (2023). Peer ethnic/racial socialization in adolescence: Current knowledge and future directions. Infant and Child Development.
Bakth, F.*, Chen, M.*, & Wang, Y. (2023). Adolescents’ experiences of peer ethnic/racial victimization and school engagement in everyday life: Sleep as a moderator. Sleep Health.
Wang, Y. (2022). Every day matters: Using daily methods to understand oppression and BIPOC youth development in context. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32, 666-672. (Invited commentary for the special issue “Truth is on the Side of the Oppressed”: Systems of Oppression Affecting BIPOC Youth).
Wang, Y., Benner, A. D., & Boyle, A. E. (2022). Family cultural socialization in childhood: Navigating ethnic/racial diversity and numeric marginalization in school and neighborhood settings. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28, 449-459. Editor's Choice of the Issue.
Thomas, M., Mendez, R. (co-1st author), Zhang, Y.*, Wang, Y., Sohail, S., Chae, D., Marquez-Magana, L., Sellers, R., Woods-Giscombe, C., Allen, A. (2022). Superwoman schema, racial identity, and cellular aging among African-American women. Gerontologist, 62, 762-772.
Wang, Y., Zhang, Y.*, Chen, M.*, & Chen, Y. (2021). Adolescents’ daily executive function: Methodological considerations, daily variation, and associations with daily experiences. Psychological Assessment, 33, 973-986.
Wang, Y. (2021). Daily ethnic/racial context in peer groups: Frequency, structure, and implications for adolescent outcomes. Child Development, 92, 650-661.
Zhang, Y.*, & Wang, Y. (2021). Daily bidirectional associations of adolescent negative peer interactions and sleep in rural China: The moderating effect of parental migration. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 13, 693-711.
Yip, T., Chen, M.*, Wang, Y., Slopen, N., Chae, D. H., Priest, N., Williams, D. R. (2021). Linking sleep and discrimination and profiles with biomarkers: An investigation in the MIDUS study. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 5, 10021.
Liu, S.*, Wang, Y., & Nuttall, A. (2020). Cross-race and cross-ethnic friendships and psychological well-being trajectories among Asian American adolescents: Variations by school context. Developmental Psychology, 56, 2121-2136.
Wang, Y., & Yip, T. (2020). Sleep facilitates coping: Moderated mediation of daily sleep, ethnic/racial discrimination, stress responses, and adolescent well-being. Child Development, 91, e833-e852.
Wang, Y., & Yip, T. (2020). Parallel changes in ethnic/racial discrimination and identity in high school. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 1517-1530.
Wang, Y., Chen, M.*, & Lee, J. H.* (2019). Adolescents’ social norms across family, peer, and school settings: Linking social norm profiles to adolescent risky health behaviors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 935-948.
Wang, Y., Cham, H., *Aladin, M., & Yip, T. (2019). Parental cultural socialization and private regard: Exploring mediating pathways through adolescents’ daily experiences. Child Development, 90, e19-e36.
Wang, Y., Douglass, S., & Yip, T. (2017). Longitudinal relations between ethnic/racial identity development and content: Exploration, commitment, and salience among diverse adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 53, 2154-2169.
Before 2017
Wang, Y., & Benner, A. D. (2016). Cultural socialization across contexts: Family-peer congruence and adolescent well-being. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 594-611.
Wang, Y., Benner, A. D., & Kim, S. Y. (2015). The Cultural Socialization Scale: Assessing parent and peer socialization towards heritage and mainstream cultures. Psychological Assessment, 27, 1452-1462.
Wang, Y. & Benner, A. D. (2014). Parent-child discrepancy in educational expectations: The differential effects of actual versus perceived discrepancy. Child Development, 85, 891-900.
Wang, Y., Kim, S. Y., Anderson, E. R., Chen, A. C.-C., & Yan, N. (2012). Parent-child acculturation discrepancy, perceived parental knowledge, peer deviance, and adolescent delinquency in Chinese immigrant families. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41, 907-919.